There are many ways to help support Valor and keep the server online! Ranks, cosmetic crates, skin packs, or global loot boost tokens are provided for donators. You can also directly buy the donator currency, "Kantos", for the benefits listed above.
- Premium
- Patron
- VIP Rank Ingame and on Discord
- 1200 Kantos
- /l20 (instantly level up to Level 20)
- /size (change character size from 75 to 125)
- /glow [hex code] (change the color of our player name in chat and character glow)
- /playtime (shows how much you've played)
- Access to all non-Valor skins (200+ !)
- 12x12 Housing Plot Size Upgrade
- Access to Donator text and voice chats
- Four free vault maps with the command /mymaps (Throne Room, Peaceful Shore, Futuristic, Ranger's Course)
- Premium Rank Ingame and on Discord
- 3000 Kantos
- All perks from previous ranks
- Access to Premium only text and voice chats
- 20x20 Housing Plot Size Upgrade
- Access to premium testing
- /clearinv (Completely clears your inv, can be used to get rid of junk)
- /backpack (gives your current character a backpack for FREE)
- /size (change character size from 1 to 500)
- MVP Rank Ingame and on Discord
- 7000 Kantos
- All perks from previous ranks
- 3+ Unique MVP Pets
- 30x30 Housing Plot Size Upgrade
- Access to exclusive MVP only text and voice chats
- One free Gold Loot Boost a month (Global +50% Lootboost for 30mins)
- Arcanuo's Eternal Love
- All MVP & Below Perks
- 14000 Kantos
- Four Gold Boosts a month. (Logging in grants it)
- Exclusive Emote Ingame
- Access to The Patron Star Icon. (/patronicon)
- Patron Role ingame & on discord
- 24/7 Access to Sandbox Server