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Game FAQ

Q: How do I get started? This game seems so complicated and nothing is easy to find!

This is a tough question for new players, however there are solutions!

  1. If you are starting out, there is a FAQ question below on "What is the best class", that outlines a good class to start with.
  2. Run through the realm (north of nexus spawn) and start killing stuff to level up to 20. You can get gear from almost anything, but you want to either teleport to the godlands OR use /glands to teleport there. Here is where you get the majority of your stat increasing potions, so you can start maxing your stats!
  3. Teleport to events, participate in public challenges (north of spawn) and participate in raids to get potions, gear, and other consumables to use, sell in the marketplace (or in rwt! more information in another FAQ below), or give to friends.
  4. The general progression of your account is outlined in a FAQ below.

Q: My game runs TERRIBLY! How do I increase my fps/performance?

Unfortunately, we are running into limits of flashplayer. Flashplayer was never truly meant to be used for games, as it was a multimedia engine meant to display animations.

There are some things you can do however:

  • Turn on Hardware Acceleration

  • Make sure your CPU is beefy enough (the game is dependent on your CPU, not your GPU!)

  • Turn off all particle effects

    There is a list of these performance settings available here (Optimizating Settings Tab)!

Q: What's the general "progression" path for an account, items and all?

The idea is to first max your character as fast as possible. This allows you to access the skill tree, which is the biggest power boost your character can get aside from items.

To get items, to start out you want to get the highest tiered items you can, or get some UT items. This can be either from finding drops in the wiki, or searching through the marketplace.

Once you have some UT items or the highest tiered items you can, start out by participating in events to try to get an LG (if you can hit LG threshold), or participate in dungeons that have a lot of people (usually called out in chat, right click on a person's name in chat to teleport to them).

Another potential progression path is to farm Essence of the Realm, to upgrade UT items into a LG item. This is a big power-spike, and allows you to start doing more content. More information on them here

Build up your items, sell and buy items on the marketplace, and look at items for your class here on the wiki, or in the in-game wiki. This is the general path of how to progress your account in Valor!

Q: What is a "skill tree" and how do I unlock it?

The skill tree is a big piece of individual character progression, that is bound to the character that you select skill tree nodes on.

To unlock the skill tree, first you have to be:

  • Level 20

  • Maxed 11/11 (consumed all stat potions for each stat up to the max, so your stats in the stats panel show all yellow)

    After completing the above, you can start levelling 1-100. Each level gives 1 skill point, which can be used in the skill tree via the skill tree button, underneath the minimap, to the right of your player's name on the right side of your screen.

    The tree has 300+ nodes, and you can gain 100 points to select any ~100 nodes you wish. Some nodes cost more, as they are more powerful.

    If you search this wiki top right for "skill tree", there is a page that will show some basic skill tree layouts as well as the import string for it. (if it doesn't show up, the page doesn't currently exist, and it will soon!)

Q: What is the best class? & What's the best beginner class to play?

There is objectively no best class in Valor, that's the beauty of it! Although the most generally agreed upon would be Mechanic, Ninja, Drakzix for DPS, Paladin/Priest for Healing, Wizard for Burst Damage, Knight for survivability.

As for the best beginner class, it's probably best to play a ranged class such as Wizard, Huntress or Archer as you start out. This can extend further to wand classes, like Priest, Sorcerer, or Drakzix (Keep in mind however Drakzix Siphons drain hp quickly!). This is so that you have a fair amount of range to let you snipe bosses from a distance, while figuring out their phases and attack patterns.

Though if you're looking for the best, most inexpensive high damage character, then Blademaster or Wizard are likely a good option for you, having access to very cheap powerful gear early on with high dps capabilities.

Q: What are the drop rates of LG and AR items?

Currently we do not release the drop rates of items. This is something we may explore in the future.

Q: Is there a list of Essence Crafts / Elemental Sor crafts / crafts in the game?
Q: Why does the game not work??? & Why can't I connect???


The game more than likely does!

If you head to the main website and look at "x players battling sidon", it'll show you how many players are online. This number can also be checked in discord at the top of the channel list.

If your game does not work and there are people playing, then check out the solutions in Common Problems.

Q: What is the "Godstruck" condition effect? & What is (effect) condition effect?

When inflicted with godstruck you cant be invulnerable (Jackets, Lumi, Avalanche). Currently this effect is only given by Avalanche seal at approximately double the invul time.BEWARE OF USING AVALANCHE AROUND BLADEMASTERS, AS YOU MAY CAUSE THEM TO DIE!

More descriptions on all condition effects are in this wiki!

Q: How do I get gold fast? & How do I get rich?

Participate in raids, farm realm event bosses and oryx, and farm ascended dungeons. If you are desperate, you can farm Trial of the Illusionists, though this is significantly harder then the rest.

Raids grant a bunch of chances at legendary and even ancient relic items, along with gold cache and coin drops. Realm events can also drop gold caches, as well as legendary and ancient relic items (That drop from Larry Gigsman and Yazanahar).

If you want to get rich quick, you can also purchase items and gold from other players using real money (USD, GBP, etc). This action is called real-world-trading, or RWT for short. To find out more about real world trading and Valor's policy on it, click here.

Q: How do I check the price of an item?

You can use /pc {item slot} or /pc {item name} to check the current market price of an item. This command can be ran in-game, or in the discord #bot channel, with the command /pc {item} BEWARE OF UNDERCUTTERS AND SHARKERS

here A lot xd (some of them)

Q: What is this "Inspiration" I see on my damage dealt info box? Is this support points?

Inspiration (a.k.a support points) helps classes that don't do a lot of damage reach thresholds. This means that even support classes will be able to get into the running for a drop easier, as they are at a damage disadvantage, as you cannot get a LG/AR item if you do not meet the damage threshold.

The thresholds of damage you have to hit are lowered by your inspiration %, so ex. if an AR threshold is 10%, and your inspiration is 22%, then the threshold you actually have to hit not 10%, it is (0.1 - (0.1 * 0.22) = 0.078), or 7.8%!

Currently specific items give you inspiration on ability use, such as some necromancer skulls, and knight shields. There will be a wiki page for this information soon (unless it already exists!).

Q: Does dealing more damage to an enemy increase drop rates for items?

The only way that you can gain more loot based on the damage you do is "Get money yah yah" in the skill tree, which gives you loot boost based on your damage done to the boss.

Otherwise no, dealing damage beyond your threshold(s) only gives you the base chance to get an item (see below for more information on threhsolds).

To gain an increase in drop rates (making rare items less rare), you're looking for the fortune stat! 1 fortune = 1% drop rate, you can get it through the skill tree or through items. If an item drops at 1/100, and you have 10 fortune, the actual drop rate for that item is 1/90 (0.01 * 0.1).

Q: What are thresholds? How do I get ARs (ancient relics)? Is there an AR threshold?

Ancient Relics (and legendaries) require certain amounts of damage dealt to have a chance to get the drop.

This can be seen in the damage dealt window that shows the top 5 damagers in your instance. If you do less than that %, the number is red, showing you did not hit the threshold, and you are not able to recieve the drop. If the number is green, good luck on your rng!

The only way to hit these thresholds is to either do more damage (and get better gear), or play a class that has inspiration (see above FAQ) to lower your thresholds.

Q: How is Wis Mod calculated for items?

When looking at the Wiki (east of spawn in nexus), you can turn on/off Compare mode. Compare mode ON shows the wismod calculation in the tooltip with your current wisdom, compare mode OFF shows the base stats/damage of the item, as if you had 0 wisdom. All items have individual wisdom scaling, and currently all items do not say how much a stat increases by in relation to wismod.