- Atonement
- Air
- Earth
- Fire
- Water
An Unawoken Power: Enchant this item to harness the powers that can seal even the Old Gods away
Damage: 350-525
Shots: 2
Rate of Fire: 80%
Range: 8.6
Fame Bonus: 15%
Drops from Drannol, the Eternal Beast of the Calling of the Titan raid
Atonement Air
Air Rune: Shots have a chance to paralyze enemies for 3s, and grants +15 speed
WANZYU: On enemy hit, 2% chance to summon a barrage of six shots that deal 1250 damage each, and pierce enemies
Damage: 350-525
Shots: 2
Rate of Fire: 80%
Shots hit multiple targets
1% to inflict Paralyzed for 3s
Range: 8.6
+15 Speed
Fame Bonus: 15%
Enchanted Atonement with Ancient Air Rune
Atonement Earth
Earth Rune: Gain 1 lifesteal and 100 max hp. Shots now deal more damage and armor pierce, but you shoot slower.
IGAUR: On enemy hit, 2.5% chance to summon a barrage of seven shotsthat deal 0 damage each, and on contact, explode into a 4 tile AoE that deals 2000 damage each instantly, and armor breaks for 3s.
Damage: 570-600
Shots: 2
Rate of Fire: 60%
Ignores defense of target
Range: 8.6
+100 Maximum HP
+1 Life Steal
Fame Bonus: 15%
Enchanted Atonement with Ancient Earth Rune
Atonement Fire
Fire Rune: Increases minimum dmg by 5 and maximum damage by +15, and grants +10 Attack.
NIVITET: On enemy hit, 2% chance to summon a barrage of six shots that deal 1000 damage each, and on contact, explode into a 1 tile AoE that deals 500 damage a second for three seconds.
Shots: 2
Damage: 355-540
Range: 8.6
Rate of Fire: 80%
+10 Attack
Fame Bonus: 15%
Enchanted Atonement with Ancient Fire Rune
Atonement Water
Water Rune: Grants +2 mana steal, and grants +20 Wisdom. Shots now have a chance to slow enemies.
TAREG: On enemy hit, 2% chance to summon a barrage of eight shots that deal 400 damage eac, slow enemies for 3s, and count towards mana leech.
Damage: 350-525
Shots: 2
Rate of Fire: 80%
Range: 8.6
+20 Wisdom
+2 Mana Leech
Fame Bonus: 15%
Enchanted Atonement with Ancient Water Rune