Harlequin's Crossbow
- Harlequin's Crossbow
- Saoradh
Harlequin's Crossbow
Damage: 350-360
Shots: 1
Rate of Fire: 160%
Range: 7.6
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores defense of target
+12 Wisdom
+80 Maximum MP
Jack in the box: On hit, 2% chance to spawn a jack in the box for 5 seconds in a 2 tile radius around the boss which acts as a decoy.
Drops from Puppet Master's Encore
Damage: 375-390
Shots: 1
Rate of Fire: 160%
Range: 7.6
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores defense of target
+12 Wisdom
+80 Maximum MP
Jack in the box: On hit, 2% chance to spawn a jack in the box for 5 seconds in a 2 tile radius around the boss which acts as a decoy.
Was obtainable for ST. Patrick's Day 2022