Cloak of the King
- Cloak of the King
- Air
- Earth
- Fire
- Water
Cloak of the King
Effect on Self: Invisible for 10 seconds
Effect on Self: Bravery for 5 seconds
Effect on self: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 5 seconds
+110 Maximum HP for 10 seconds
+6 Dexterity for 10 seconds
+6 Attack for 10 seconds
MP Cost: 130
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
+10 Attack
+12 Speed
Fame Bonus: 14%
Drops from the Forgotten King of the Shatters
Cloak of the King Air
Air Rune: Gives the user Speedy and changes to Effects.
Effect on Self: Invisible for 10 seconds
Effect on Self: Speedy for 5 seconds
Effect on Self: Bravery for 5 seconds
Effect on self: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 5 seconds
+15 Dexterity for 10 seconds
+15 Attack for 10 seconds
MP Cost: 130
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
+10 Attack
+12 Speed
Fame Bonus: 14%
Enchanted Cloak of the King with Ancient Air Rune
Cloak of the King Earth
Earth Rune: Changes Effect Boosts and amount of HP given.
Effect on Self: Invisible for 7 seconds
Effect on Self: Bravery for 7 seconds
Effect on self: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 7 seconds
+250 Maximum HP for 10 seconds
+6 Dexterity for 10 seconds
+6 Attack for 10 seconds
MP Cost: 130
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
+20 Attack
+12 Speed
Fame Bonus: 14%
Enchanted Cloak of the King Air with Ancient Earth Rune
Cloak of the King Fire
Fire Rune: Heavily reduces overall cooldowns.
Effect on Self: Invisible for 5 seconds
Effect on Self: Bravery for 5 seconds
Effect on self: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 5 seconds
+110 Maximum HP for 5 seconds
+6 Dexterity for 5 seconds
+6 Attack for 5 seconds
MP Cost: 130
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
+20 Attack
+16 Speed
Fame Bonus: 14%
Enchanted Cloak of the King with Ancient Fire Rune
Cloak of the King Water
Water Rune: Increases how long you stay invisible in return for a short Quiet.
Effect on Self: Invisible for 13 seconds
Effect on Self: Quiet for 0.5 seconds
Effect on Self: Bravery for 5 seconds
Effect on self: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 5 seconds
+110 Maximum HP for 10 seconds
+6 Dexterity for 10 seconds
+6 Attack for 10 seconds
MP Cost: 180
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
+10 Attack
+12 Speed
Fame Bonus: 14%
Enchanted Cloak of the King with Ancient Water Rune